Usually after cancellation of train tickets the amount you get as a refund from railways is lesser than what you paid at the time of booking. But there are certain situations under which you fill get full refund without even a rupee getting deducted.
Conditions for Full Refund on Ticket Cancellation
Train Running Late : If your train is running late by 3 hrs as per train running status you can submit your railway ticket at journey commencing station and get full fare refunded as per railway rules.
You don't get seat despite confirmed ticket : Sometimes you see people fighting at railway stations.They claim they have a confirmed reservation but within train seat is not available. In such cases you can claim full refund by submitting your train ticket at railway counter at station from where you were to board the train. Ticket must be submitted up to within 3 hrs after train departure.
Change in train timetable : Railway issues a ticket to you on which train departure time is printed. If later, railway changes the time of train, you can claim full refund. This should be done within 7 days of date of journey (including the journey day). In this case Indian railway will actually deduct Rs 10 per passenger booked on same ticket plus any clerical charges. Rest of the amount will be fully refunded.
Missing Connecting Train : Sometimes train is delayed and because of that you miss the connecting train (train which you have boarded had the current train was running as per schedule). In such cases you can submit your train ticket at the station from which your connecting train starts and claim the refund. In this case, railway will deduct the fare for the portion you have already traveled, and will refund full fare for the portion of journey you might have traveled in connecting train.
Cancellation of Train : It's common for Indian Railway to cancel trains due floods, accidents, natural disasters. In all such cases you should submit your train ticket within 3 days of actual departure date of the train (had train ran as per schedule), and claim the full money to be refunded to you.
Death/ Injury to passenger : If a passenger gets injured or unfortunately dies due to train accident, the relatives of such passenger can submit a ticket on his behalf within 3 days and get whole amount refunded. Although, what will happen if relatives can't find ticket of injured passenger is not mentioned in Indian railway rules.
Above are all the situations/condition / circumstances when you are liable to get full tariff refund from Indian Railways.