Using online railway reservation charts not only you can find if train chart is prepared or not, but can also see if there are vacant seats available in a train. If available, seats can be booked directly in a train.
For any train running a chart is prepared which clearly earmark details like the number of coaches in a train, location of each coach, seat availability at the time of chart preparation. Usually chart is prepared 2 to 4 hrs before the scheduled departure of the train. Sometimes for trains departing up to 1200 hrs noon from their originating stations, chart is prepared in midnight itself.
Train charts can be prepared in legs. First leg chart preparation is done at originating station. In second leg chart is prepared at some other station. As the seats are occupied or become vacant the reservation chart keeps changing.
You can now access reservation charts online. Follow the simple steps:
1. Go to irctc online charts page.
2. Enter the train name/ train no. and journey date at appropriate places in the form. Example shown below.
3. Wait for a second for stations to be loaded in boarding station list, and than select the boarding station from those shown in the list.
4. Click on 'Get Train Chart'.
Depending upon whether or not chart is prepared you will take further steps:
1. If train chart preparation is not done yet, you will see message "Chart Not Prepared".
2. If chart preparation is done, you will see the complete chart of train with location of engine and coaches, as shown below.
3. On the chart if you click on any coach you will be able to see which berth will be vacant i.e. available for booking in that coach at a particular station which lies on a train route. This is also known as 'current reservation availability'. See example below.
4. Clicking on book now button shown by train icon under 'book column', you can do login on irctc railway ticket booking system and ticket booking online and get those seats reserved.
At the bottom right corner of the chart you shall see a 'Schedule' button. Using it you can see the updated schedule of a train. It keeps on updating as train delays or recover its time.
So next time you go to railway station, and especially if you have a wait list (wl) pnr status code and you are keen if your status is cleared or not, check the railway reservation chart online, as explained here.