The railway enquiry means asking for information about, mainly - Trains Between Stations, Train Berth Availability, PNR Status, Seat Availability, and Train Schedule. There together form some of the most important information about railway which train passengers are seeking.
It is so important that railway has come up with NTES (more on national train enquiry system here .)
For all the train enquiries mentioned above and explained below, go to (official railway enquiry website).
Trains Between Stations: This inquiry is done by the user to find out which trains run between pair of two stations. If you are planning to go from any station to any station, then you'll do this enquiry to find the available trains. Click here for more information.
Train Berth Availability: This inquiry shows how many berths are available in a train for reservation from one station to another station. The quota of berths is fixed for travel between stations.
PNR Status: It is used to find out whether the reservation is confirmed or not. The status is returned in terms of railway codes. For more information on it, like how to find current railway pnr status by SMS or how to receive automatic alerts when the reservation status change, click here.
Seat Availability: It shows the accommodation availability status in trains at major or important stations for reserved trains only. It is useful to know just before users start booking their railway tickets on IRCTC next generation railway reservation system. For more info accommodation and availability in trains, it is recommended to users to go to irctc seat availability check.
Train Schedule: This inquiry is done to know the complete timetable of train along with it's route, the arrival and departure time of train at railway stations that fall on route, the distance between stations, and for finding out the basic train fare.
It is so important that railway has come up with NTES (more on national train enquiry system here .)
Railway Enquiry Types
Railway Enquiry Phone Number
Toll free telephone number: 139 (one can either call or send SMS) to get the relevant railway information.For all the train enquiries mentioned above and explained below, go to (official railway enquiry website).
Trains Between Stations: This inquiry is done by the user to find out which trains run between pair of two stations. If you are planning to go from any station to any station, then you'll do this enquiry to find the available trains. Click here for more information.
Train Berth Availability: This inquiry shows how many berths are available in a train for reservation from one station to another station. The quota of berths is fixed for travel between stations.
PNR Status: It is used to find out whether the reservation is confirmed or not. The status is returned in terms of railway codes. For more information on it, like how to find current railway pnr status by SMS or how to receive automatic alerts when the reservation status change, click here.
Seat Availability: It shows the accommodation availability status in trains at major or important stations for reserved trains only. It is useful to know just before users start booking their railway tickets on IRCTC next generation railway reservation system. For more info accommodation and availability in trains, it is recommended to users to go to irctc seat availability check.
Train Schedule: This inquiry is done to know the complete timetable of train along with it's route, the arrival and departure time of train at railway stations that fall on route, the distance between stations, and for finding out the basic train fare.