New Delhi: Indian Railways has decided to start a new helpline number '182' for passengers to provide urgent help in case they face any danger. Railway official has said that the new number will be printed on each and every railway ticket issued by the PRS (Passenger Reservation System). Apart from it, few other important instructions will also be printed on the ticket.

telephone 182 - railway helpline number

Ministry of Railways has already issued a circular to chief commercial managers of railway. According to the circular the managers are told to increase the dimensions of the present rail ticket. The printed area will be increased from current 15.6 cm by 9.6 cm to accommodate more information. Also more lines will be added to the back of a ticket. At present there are only 5 general instruction printed at the back of railway ticket.

Railway Board has taken many steps in recent days to make journey by train more secure and comfortable. Only yesterday there was a news where it is possible for travelers to  register FIR inside trains (see - seat no 61 in train reserved for GRP).

There are steps taken to deploy armed personnel, escort teams, and security guards too. Increase in terrorist activities, naxalite activities, incidents of loot and robbery in trains has made government to enhance the train security. Security for ladies traveling alone is also a major challenge for railway officials. Many small railway stations are being upgraded so that they are properly lighted in the night. Telephones and other devices for communication are being installed at platforms for common men so that they can talk to security and ask for help easily at the time of emergency.

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