Amazon business is amazing for businessmen across India and using it you can directly save as much as 28 percent on your purchases by claiming GST input credit.

When you signup with amazon business you get whole lots of benefits.

  1. Do you know there are 15 crore plus products available on Amazon?  As a businessmen you can get any of those products at special business pricing and get other discounts too.
  2. With one of the biggest logistics network you get doorstep delivery for free and easy return and replacement is what Amazon is famous for.
  3. The shipping is reliable and fast.
  4. Sellers who have a GST number can sell on Amazon marketplace which has millions of ready to buy customers already subscribed, helping seller making money quickly as quick sale of a listed item is almost guaranteed.
  5. All products sold come with GST complaint invoices that enables customers to save up to 5-28 percent by claiming GST input tax credit. Amazing!
  6. Subscribers of Amazon Business also get free analytical business reports. These world class reports help them to analyse there spends and where they need to spend more or spend less in order to make more profits.

Just to give you an Idea which popular businesses in India have registered with Amazon Business, go through these names: GE, Qualcomm, Swiggy and Chumbak are some of Amazon Business customers.

Amazon Business place has single largest GST enabled collection of 160 million products. Before India, Amazon had this B2B program already functioning in  4 other countries.

Given the number of advantages there is no reason why you shouldn't subscribe to amazon business now.

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