There are many authorized agents of IRCTC who can sell the train tickets on its behalf. Doing railway reservation online is easy enough, and anyone can do it. But there are still people who don't have necessary machines, computers and mobiles, that they can use to buy ticket themselves. As a result, they use the alternate option. This option is to approach the travel agents. One can find irctc agents here.
One can find irctc agent by pincode and city |
Now if you are one of those who like to buy tickets from travel agents, there is a bit of disturbing news for you. You can get into trouble, and may face a police case if you just blindly buy a railway ticket from any so called agent of IRCTC. True that these agents can provide you ticket whenever you require it, but do you know how they are able to have a confirmed ticket of any train any time? Of course they do advance reservations in multiple trains. But they do it using illegal methods. These agents create fake accounts on '''. Now, as per reservation rules of indian railway, the railway ticket is a non-transferable entity. In fact, resale of ticket is prohibited. Then how come these travel agents can do ticket booking on their name and sell it to customers.
Recently, the Surat police caught a travel agent who will do online ticket booking by using its personal id. Be it a regular ticket or a tatkal ticket, the agent had all the tickets. He would then sell it for 200 to 1000 Rupees more than normal. He smartly signed into Irctc just before tatkal booking time starts and grabbed as many tickets as he could using the fake account.
People unaware of railway rules used to buy it and travel in train. It is clear that not only the transfer and resale of train ticket is prohibited in India, but a person traveling using such a ticket is deemed to be travelling without ticket. This means the RPF (railway protection force) can arrest him.
The purpose of this article is to tell common men that while it is alright to buy train tickets from authorized people, one should be awake and see that the agency who is providing the tickets are following the rules strictly. Police, especially RPF is on the look out of touts and in the past eight months around 26 cases were lodged and more than 35 touts were arrested. One must be really careful before buying tickets from travel agents.
In particular the customers should avoid buying tickets from blacklisted agents. Here is a list of blacklisted agents of irctc which you can go through and see that you are buying a railway ticket from right place.