Now there is no need to go shopping on street for bags. The bag store is online in India and it has plenty of high quality bags for you to choose from and carry on with your day to day work.
Lot of people like you aren't aware that there are plenty of benefits in store for you when you buy bags online. You will be surprised to know that you tend to get bags at much cheaper price than what you get from a shop of bags at the street near to your house.
In few minutes, it will be clear to you why people buy the American Tourister (arguably the most popular bag) online.
Shop keepers, those who sell travel bags, backpacks, and other type of bags (like laptop bags, fancy ladies bags, hand bags, school bags and purses) these days themselves order bags online and than sell them through their 'bag store' at higher margins. Yes, sometimes you might find a good looking bag available at a reasonable price even on a bag shop on street, but you cannot guarantee about its quality. In most circumstances it will be the one with lower quality material stuffed with poor stuffing and stitched with worst chains. We recommend you to ignore such bags at all costs. Instead buy a new bag from online bag store, also known as e bag store.
Bag store has plenty of beautiful bags |
Best part about e bag store is that almost all the top bag manufacturing companies in India showcase their bags there. Since the online bag stores also rate bags based on various factors, like material, usability, number of pockets (or space), durability etc, you find it easy to compare and hence you are able to select the best quality bag for your needs.
Apart from the fact that you get the variety of best bags online at best price the other benefits of shopping bags online include savings on travel cost (which you incur when you pay for taxi to go to market). Most people spend about ₹50 to ₹200 when they hire a taxi or auto rickshaw to visit a popular bag store situated in nearby locality. Now when you go out you feel hungry and thirsty too, You spend little bit more. And all these costs add up. Thus the actual cost of your bag is much more than what price you purchase it from the store. Eventually you end up buying an expensive bag. Compare this with online bag store which in most cases deliver you the bad at your home, and take no delivery charges.
Plus, as we explained earlier, the quality of a bag purchased from street is always questionable. Hence it is always a good idea that if you are looking to buy a new bag, buy it online.
Buying bags from online bag store also make sense when you see what is going on in India right now. You all must be aware of the problems with 'cash in hand' which most people are facing these days in India. Govt of India has taken a step towards making Indian economy a digital economy by introducing demonetisation (or banning of old high denomination currency notes) and thereby pushing people towards cashless modes of transactions, like credit/debit cards, internet banking, and e wallets.
Govt has also announced 2 percent benefit when you make online transactions. It is clear that in coming future most transactions in India will be online. This means you should be ready to shop online in India. There are already few online marketplaces in India. Most popular ones are - Amazon India and Flipkart.
By now it must be clear to you why you should buy bag from online bag store and not from a street vendor or a street bag store.
And before you ask any question, we already have an answer. We know what is the question in your mind. Some of you are worried how you will deal if some defective bag is delivered to you. We can tell you that boy Amazon and Flipkart vouch for easy replacement services for the products purchased from them. They have such a good system in place that returns are no problem. First of all, in 99 percent of cases, it won't be required for you to return your bags. Bags go through stringent quality checks before they are delivered to to your house. But in case a bad piece is delivered, you can simply login to the bag store site and initiate the return/replacement process. And you don't have to go anywhere. People from online store will come to you, take back your bag, and return you the new bag, the brand new bag.
This makes it absolutely full proof that the Bag Store is indeed the Best Place to buy Bags Online in India.
This makes it absolutely full proof that the Bag Store is indeed the Best Place to buy Bags Online in India.